Mértola: Municipality with Good Quality of Local Governance.

Municipality of Mértola is ranked 14th place, nationally, the Local Governance Quality Index, prepared by Manuel dos Santos Foundation and released last week.

At the district level, governance of the county ranks second in the ranking, It is the fourth county Top rated south of the Tagus. This study evaluated the performance of all municipalities in the country in five parameters, in which were evaluated as "leaders", "Good", "Capable" and "weak".

in parameter "Rule of law and preventing corruption "governance of Mértola obtained the leading rating, the parameters of "Voice of citizens and providing Account", "Government Effectiveness" and "Access and market regulation" the work deserved a good rating, while the parameter of "political stability" was able to note. In total reached Mértola 51,69 points.

For the Municipality of Mértola public recognition for the work done in the county is a source of pride, but also a responsibility and motivating for the future.

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